Séminaire du jeudi 8 décembre : Luc Briard et Adel Chaïbi, Intel
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Luc Briard, Datascientist chez Intel et Adel Chaïbi, Solution Architect chez Intel, viendront présenter la plateforme open-source Trusted Analytics Platform (TAP) aux étudiants du Mastère Spécialisé Big Data.
Trusted Analytics Platform (TAP) is an open-source software platform, optimized for performance and security to accelerate the creation of advanced analytics and machine learning solutions. TAP simplifies solution development with a collaborative, flexible integrated environment -- all tools, components and services are accessible in one place for data scientists, application developers and system operators.
It provides a unified platform that allows data scientists, application developers and system operators to focus on high-value tasks rather than spending time on lower-value tasks, such as maintaining a curated set of tools and connecting them with data sources in a secure fashion. TAP also enables collaboration, at scale, between data scientists and application developers. Focused on enabling a new generation of cloud-native apps driven by big data analytics, Trusted Analytics Platform is the first platform to address the needs of data scientists collaborating with app developers. Trusted by developers who are familiar with Intel’s contributions to projects, such as Linux, OpenStack, Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and Cloud Foundry, TAP delivers 100% open source software as an integrated platform with hardware-enhanced performance and security in every layer.
La participation aux Séminaires Big Data du jeudi est réservée aux étudiants du Mastère Spécialisé "Big Data" et de la filière "Sciences des données" de Télécom ParisTech, du CES "Data Scientist" de Télécom Evolution et du Master 2 "Data Sciences" de l'Université Paris-Saclay. Elle est également ouverte aux partenaires de la Chaire Machine Learning for Big Data : Criteo, BNP Paribas, Safran et PSA Groupe.
Pour s'inscrire : www.meetup.com/fr/Master-Big-Data-Telecom-ParisTech